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Final Exam (3)

Final Exam (3)

Q Question 1 Write 3 important characteristics of Lope de Vega (in regards theatre) How did Aristotle define Katharsis? Who was Giacomo Torelli? Shakespeare’s plays are divided in what categories: Write 3 rules of Horace regarding playwriting: What culture used Theatre as an entertainment more than an art form? Greek Indian Roman Write down 3 characteristicThe Elizabethan Drama was influence by the ________________________ culture. Renaissance = French word that means “_________________” Best comedy playwright of the Greek drama: ____________________ Horace was the Roman dramatic critic, who was then the Greek dramatic critic? ___________________ Neoclassicism was the rediscovery of what two cultures: _________________and __________________. Thespian is another word for an _________________________ During the reign of Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu was the most ___________________________ in France; he established ____________________ standards in the French literature and arts What type of Asian theatre created the “revolving stage” ________________________. Types of drama criticism: ___________________________ and __________________________. __________________________ was built by Cardinal Richelieu, and renamed Palais-_____________ after his death. The Lord Chamberlain’s Men acting troupe later became The ________________________________ because King James I became the patron. s of the Comedy of MannersFirst one to introduced a third actor ___ Euripides Wrote Poetics ___ auto sacramentales Characterized for his strong female characters ___ Ben Jonson Plays done in everyday speech ___ Vernacular Drama Dramas; part of the religious ceremony/mass ___ Aristotle Spanish version of a pageant wagon ___ Liturgical Drama One-act play in Spain ___ Sophocles Best French actor of the Restoration. Great in Shakespeare. ___ carros Spain was the only country in Europe who continued to produce religious drama. True False Perspective was introduced in the Italian Renaissance. True False Phaedra was a play based on a Roman tragedy by Jean Racine True False The Kabuki Theater was initially performed by women True False Tragicomedy is a genre that focused on serious themes with a happy ending. True False

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1. He established episodic form for the Spanish plays, his works were very similar to Shakespeare’s, and he made 3 acts play popular at that period. 2. Katharsis according to Aristotle is defined as purging, cleaning or releasing of various emotions from within through the form of art. 3. Giacomo Torelli was an Italian stage designer who made the pole-chariot method perfect. 4. The three categories of Shakespeare plays are tragedies, comedies, and histories. 5. The three rule of Horace are: a play should have at least of 5 acts, do not mix comedy and tragedy, and avoid extreme emotion.